RF Therapy
Radio Frequency (RF) therapy utilizes the energy of electromagnetic waves and converts it into heat energy that stimulates the work of cells in the deeper layers of our skin. As a consequence, they begin to create new collagen and elastin, which strengthens our subcutaneous tissue, resulting in tightening of the surface layer of skin and its revitalization.
EMS Therapy
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) therapy is like a gym workout session, but for our face and without any heavy lifting. Electrical impulses cause very frequent contractions of our muscles, which become firmer and better defined over the course of treatment. Ultimately, this has a lifting effect on the treated areas, and our face regains that stark, youthful appearance.
LED Therapy
Light Emitting Diode (LED) therapy uses the energy of light of certain wavelengths to produce additional “fuel” for our subcutaneous tissue cells. As a result, the cells work faster and better, with a range of benefits such as regulating the function of sebaceous glands, suppressing inflammatory processes, reducing melanin overproduction, etc.
Basic Usage Tips
STEP 4. Follow the contours of your face, using slow movements from the chin towards the forehead and from the nose towards the ears. All 4 electrodes must always be in contact with your skin.